Factors influencing students to attend summer school at Texas Lutheran University




Rischer, Andres

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In the late 1800s, summer sessions at colleges and universities were developed to provide financial and operating advancement for the institution. Over the years, summer school has become an avenue for students to progress as students, professionals, and adults. The review of the literature suggests that students attend summer school to graduate in four years or less, to meet financial aid requirements, lessen the costs for the long-term semesters, and to be closer to friends. The proposed study examined what factors influenced students to enroll in summer courses at Texas Lutheran University (TLU). The study sample consisted of 128 TLU students enrolled, at the main campus, in summer school in 1999. A 35-item survey questionnaire was administered to selected students. Over 90% of the studied population cited academic factors as their reason for attending summer school. Students stated that they wanted to speed up the progress towards graduation, graduate on time, and ease their course load during the long-term semesters. A small number of students indicated social and financial influences for attending summer school. Conclusions and implications for further research and practice are presented.



summer schools, higher education, student motivations, academics


Rischer, A. D. (1999). Factors influencing students to attend summer school at Texas Lutheran University (Unpublished thesis). Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.


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