Archival Research at the Arnold Schoenberg Center, Vienna, Austria




Gonzales, Cynthia

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My current research centers on the early tonal songs of Arnold Schoenberg. All of the hand-written manuscripts are housed at the Arnold Schoenberg Center in Vienna, Austria. While there (29 June - 5 Aug), I viewed the manuscripts for all of the early songs in Opera 1, 2, 3, and 6; as well as manuscripts for Schoenberg's choral masterpiece "Friede Auf Erden;" and numerous canons about which no published article exists. Viewing manuscripts can reveal much about Schoenberg's compositional process. For example, the short introduction to "Alles" (Op. 6, no. 2) first appears drafted in the bottom right-hand corner, not at the beginning. From this, I deduce that the introduction was not part of the composer's original conception of the song; and this affects how I analyze the song. To prepare for my research at the Arnold Schoenberg Center, I and a student researcher undertook a study of the poets and poetry anthologies that served as textual sources for Schoenberg's songs.


Research Enhancement Program Final Report


Arnold Schoenberg Center, manuscripts, Friede Auf Erden, Schoenberg songs


Gonzales, C. (2006). Archival research at the Arnold Schoenberg Center, Vienna, Austria. Research Enhancement Program, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.


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