Post-Graduate Performance, An Academic Comparison Evaluating Situating Learning and Law School Acceptance Scores




Traverse, Maria A.

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Research on post-graduate performance, pertaining to law school graduates, indicates that success in the legal profession is attributable to more than the theoretical content or cognitive knowledge obtained through educational curricula. Research suggests that the combination of creative and analytic thinking skills contributes to a higher rate of academic and post-graduate success. Today’s legal education system continues to face the challenge of producing graduates who are practice-ready because law schools tend to ignore the practical application of andragogy (i.e., adult teaching) learning. That is, law schools have a propensity to heavily layer theoretical content and undervalue practical skill courses. This curriculum deficiency consistently widens the knowledge gap between the legal profession and legal education. Graduates enter the workforce lacking the foundational skills essential for making the adjustment from learner to practitioner.



Law School, Situated Learning, Communities of Practice


Traverse, M. A. (2012). Post-graduate performance, an academic comparison evaluating situating learning and law school acceptance scores (Unpublished dissertation). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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