[2018 Part 2] Understanding Discipline Norms in Terms of Publishing, Peer Review, Open Access, Data, Metrics




Anderson, Rick
Thorne, Debbie
Gabor, Caitlin R.
Jennings, Wes
Rohde, Rodney E.
Shields, Patricia M.

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In-depth discussion with Rick Anderson and a panel of Texas State University academic administrators and faculty on discipline-specific publishing issues and trends including: (1) Texas State University's view on scholarship and peer review, (2) Open access publishing, (3) Identifying quality journals by discipline, (4) Handling solicitations by publishers (possible predatory publishers), and (5) Tried and true strategies for increasing the impact of ones research.


Trends in Scholarship and Research, a 2-part event attended by faculty, librarians, and staff of Texas State University and surrounding universities, took place on February 1, 2018. The event was planned and executed by the Scholarly Communications Team of the University Libraries. Trends in Scholarship and Research Series is an ongoing effort to engage the Texas State University campus community on topics related to scholarship and research including publishing, copyright, research impact, data management and more.


academic publishing, peer review, open access, research data, metrics



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