Constructing a Relevant Contemporary Philosophy of Education: Explorations of a Freirean Scholar




Straubhaar, Rolf

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University of New Mexico


Using Paulo Freire’s (2005) theoretical construct of generative themes, this essay discusses the necessary elements of a relevant contemporary philosophy of education, drawing on dominant themes in the work of several representative, seminal thinkers: Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Dewey, Du Bois, Freire, Morrison and hooks. Each of these thinkers addresses issues that are quite pertinent to contemporary educational practice, highlighting the importance and intersectionality of class, race, and gender, alongside the importance of democracy as both a political ideal and instructional method. The essay will end with a harmonization of the identified generative themes of each of these thinkers into the author’s educational philosophy, formalized to be as pertinent as possible to the issues of today’s classrooms.



gender, race, intersectionality, class, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology


Straubhaar, R. (2019). Constructing a Relevant Contemporary Philosophy of Education: Explorations of a Freirean Scholar. Intersections: Critical Issues in Education, 3(1), pp. 44-56.


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