Open Journal Systems: A Look at Impact and Increased Visibility




Park, Kristi
Van Diest, Kristin
Elkins, Susan
Hoover, Susan

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Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open-source publishing software for the management of open access peer-reviewed academic journals, created and developed by the Public Knowledge Project. There are over 34,000 journals hosted in OJS around the world, including 75 journals hosted through the Texas Digital Library (TDL) OJS hosting service at member institutions. This poster presents data collected to show the prevelance of use of persistent identifiers, such as DOIs, ISSNs, and ORCID in TDL hosted journals. As well as where the journals are indexed, whether or not they use keywords and if so, how many, and the number of article downloads and abstract views. Recommendations are then made to increase journal visibility and use.


Poster Presentation for Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, Texas, 2023


electronic publishing, Open Journal Systems, visibility measurement


Park, K., Van Diest, K., Elkins, S., & Hoover, S. (2023). Open Journal Systems: A look at impact and increased visibility. Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, Texas.


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