Stress Management with Routine Physical Fitness Amongst Law Enforcement Officers




Marmolejo, Adam P.

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It is no secret that police officers have one of the most stressful jobs in the United States. With the increase expectations in job performance, shift schedules, organizational demands, and personal life, officers have little to no time to exercise. This thesis will examine the importance of a routine physical fitness program for officers as a way to manage stress. The Delphi Method is the survey method used for data collection, using experts in the field of police work, fitness, and physical or mental stress. Data entry and analyses were performed using Predictive Analytics Software Statistics 18. Police Officers experience mental and physical ailments associated with prolonged stress and physical training exercises can increase a police officers’ resiliency helping them maintain or gain physical and mental hardiness and manage stress. This thesis recommends that all law enforcement agencies implement a mandated exercise program to assist officers with stress therefore making them more fit to perform their duties and help manage the stress associated with police work.



stress management, police officers, physical fitness, exercise, law enforcement, stress, health, mental stress, physical stress


Marmolejo, A. P. (2010). Stress management with routine physical fitness amongst law enforcement officers (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.


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