Prostate Cancer Education Among African American Men and Its Impact on Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening: A Systematic Review [paper]




Lozoya, Elide

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African American men are at higher risk than any other race for prostate cancer, and they have a higher mortality than any other race. Current guidelines state that men need to make an informed decision before getting screened for prostate cancer. Studies have shown that one of the barriers to prostate cancer screening is a lack of knowledge about the disease and screening. A systematic review was performed to determine if education by an advanced provider will impact African American men prostate cancer screening. This systematic review is based on bibliographic searches in CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE Complete, and PsycInfo using pertinent search terms. Five hundred twenty-eight articles were identified using the search terms and Boolean operators: Prostate cancer screening and African American men or black men and education. Seven articles met the inclusion criteria. The results of this systematic review indicated that provider education about prostate cancer and screening impacts the knowledge and PSA screening of African American men. Providers should take an active role in identifying African American patients who are at risk of prostate cancer within their practice and take the initiative of educating them about prostate cancer and encouraging them to decide about prostate cancer screening.


An EBP Capstone Project submitted to the St. David's School of Nursing at Texas State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Nursing.


prostate cancer education, African American men, prostate-specific antigen screening, provider education


Lozoya, E. (2023). Prostate cancer education among African American men and its impact on prostate-specific antigen screening: A systematic review [paper]. St. David's School of Nursing, Texas State University.


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