Dare To Wear: An Exploration of the Attitudes and Habits of the Consumer In Regards to Garment Care and Its Relationship and Effect On the Environment

dc.contributor.advisorHustvedt, Gwendolyn
dc.contributor.authorLindsey, Jon
dc.description.abstractJust about every consumer has a favorite pair of jeans they love to wear everywhere they go. This may be the pair that have been worn so often they have holes in the pockets where someone might carry their keys, wallet or cell phone. Or, they may be the old pair of jeans that are so comfortable that it does not matter that they still have a ketchup stain on the front from two years before. Most people who love their jeans this much have had many experiences with those jeans and might think they know them inside and out. But what does the consumer really know or need to know about those dirty old jeans they love so much. With all of the different styles of jeans in stores today, there is no shortage of options for consumers in their quest for their next pair of favorite jeans: skinny jeans, loose fit, stonewashed, the list goes on and on. So what options do consumers have or know about for their jeans post-purchase? In recent years, many consumers have become intrigued with the idea of "going green" by recycling, buying organic and so on. While these are all good habits to practice, being aware of laundering habits is another important issue to take into consideration.
dc.description.departmentHonors College
dc.format.extent47 pages
dc.format.medium1 file (.pdf)
dc.identifier.citationLindsey, J. (2011). Dare to wear: An exploration of the attitudes and habits of the consumer in regards to garment care and its relationship and effect on the environment (Unpublished thesis). Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos, Texas.
dc.subjectHonors College
dc.titleDare To Wear: An Exploration of the Attitudes and Habits of the Consumer In Regards to Garment Care and Its Relationship and Effect On the Environment
thesis.degree.departmentHonors College
thesis.degree.disciplineFamily and Consumer Sciences
thesis.degree.grantorTexas State University-San Marcos
txstate.documenttypeHonors Thesis


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